The stag has long held a place of fascination and reverence in both ancient myths and modern-day tales, making it a powerful and enduring symbol. From Harry Potters stag-shaped patronus, representing the spirit of his father, to the noble sigil of House Baratheon in Game of Thrones, this majestic creature has captured our imagination as a representation of strength, guidance, and mystery.
In J.R.R. Tolkiens The Hobbit, a stag appears just as Bilbo and the dwarves finish crossing the Enchanted Stream, signaling their transition into the magical realm of the elvesa moment steeped in symbolism and wonder. Similarly, in the legends of King Arthur, the elusive white stag leads the king on profound adventures to mystical places, a quest often seen as a reflection of Arthurs spiritual journey. In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the stag also plays a pivotal role, leading the Pevensie children to safety and new beginnings.
As a spirit animal, the stag embodies the connection between two worlds: the physical and the mystical, dreams and reality. Its antlers are often described as spiritual antennae, guiding us to higher awareness and deeper intuition. Welsh traditions tell of the stag as a messenger or guide into the mysteries of the otherworld, a symbol of spiritual journeys and self-discovery. To encounter a stag is said to enhance sensitivity to dreams, awakening ones inner wisdom and offering insight into lifes greater path.
This pin captures the essence of the stags timeless symbolisma guardian of intuition, a guide between worlds, and a symbol of spiritual awakening. Whether youre drawn to its rich mythological history or its representation of personal growth and transformation, this piece is a perfect reminder of the magic and mystery that surrounds us all.
- Pin/brosa realizat integral manual, din argint 999, argint 925 si otel.
- Acum pinului este protejat la capat de o terminatie decorata cu o frunzulita de artar realizata tot din argint 999.
- Argintul a fost antichizat si apoi lustruit, pentru a scoate in evidenta textura. Aspectul final al metalului este mat cu zone lucioase.
-Bijuteriile cu patina accentuata sunt finisate cu un strat de ceara microcristalina (Renaissance Wax) pentru a incetini procesul de oxidare si pentru pastrarea cat mai mult timp a patinei
- Toate bijuteriile sunt lucrate si finisate manual, prin urmare este absolut normal sa apara mici diferente. Acest lucru le conferă unicitate.
- Bijuteria vine insotita de cutiuta si instructiuni de pastrare.
- Dimensiuni: aproximativ 5 cm
Produsul va fi gata de livrare în 1 zi după plasarea comenzii.
Estimare livrare:
Produsul va fi livrat între 25.02 - 27.02.