Some years ago I have seen the first jewelry made with coffin shape gemstones and obviously because I am attracted to gothic things, I was immediately fascinated and decided I have to make some. Actually, this shape of gemstones became more and more popular, and you will probably laugh, but initally they were used as engagement rings as a way to show everlasting love. Take this as the embodiment of the statement "till death do us part", ha?
I did some more research on the subject, as I started to see rings with coffin stones everywhere online and also some of my gemstones suppliers have them constantly in their portfolio. If you ask me, based on the info I have found, the origin of this shape is based on the jewelry created centuries ago ( 17th & early 18th century) called "Memento Mori" (remember you must die) which served as mourning jewelry for the departed ones and also as a kind of warning to prepare ourselves that life is fleeting and we must live life to the fullest. Most of these jewelry included elements as coffins, skulls, bones, or even skeletons in coffins mounted on rings. I kinda loved the idea of this "kind reminder". Come to think of it, only jewelry could convey a harsh reality in such an elegant form, no?
- Este realizat integral manual, din argint fin, cu textura bruta. Piatra incorporata in design este un Spinel negru.
- Inelul este unicat.
- Argintul a fost antichizat puternic si apoi lustruit, pentru a scoate in evidenta textura. Bijuteriile cu patina accentuata sunt finisate cu un strat de ceara microcristalina (Renaissance Wax) pentru a incetini procesul de oxidare si pentru pastrarea cat mai mult timp a patinei
- Toate bijuteriile sunt lucrate si finisate manual, prin urmare este abosult normal sa apara mici diferente. Acest lucru le conferă unicitate.
- Bijuteria vine insotita de cutiuta si instructiuni de pastrare.
- Dimensiuni: masura europeana: 53/ US: 6-
-Gasiti aici un ghid al masurilor: