This handcrafted pendant is a striking piece of wearable art, made from fine silver and adorned with vibrant enamel in a design inspired by Aztec motifs. The geometric patterns are bold and mesmerizing, featuring vivid blue lines that evoke the flowing energy of water and harmony. Orange and yellow zigzags symbolize movement and transformation, while intricate red and turquoise shapes pay homage to the vibrant connection between the earth and sky.
The trapezoidal design feels both modern and timeless, with layers of patterns that echo the architectural beauty of ancient temples and the rhythmic flow of Aztec art. Every detail is meticulously crafted to create a piece that is not only visually captivating but also rich in symbolism and heritage. Perfect for those who value culture, craftsmanship, and individuality, this pendant is a statement of artistry and history that brings an ancient aesthetic into the modern day.
Emailarea la cald se face prin aplicarea succesiva a unor straturi de pulbere de sticla pe suprafata argintului si apoi arderea in cuptoare speciale la temperaturi cuprinse intre 730 si 820 de grade pana ce sticla se topeste si fuzioneaza cu argintul. E un proces foarte laborios, dar atat de satisfacator, culorile obtinute sunt superbe si pot da viata pana si unei piese in aparenta banala.
Atentie, pandantivul nu vine insotit de lantisor!
Daca doriti si lantisor la pandantiv, va rog sa ma contactati pentru a discuta despre dimensiuni.
- Realizat manual, din argint fin 999 si email la cald.
- Toate bijuteriile sunt lucrate si finisate manual, prin urmare este absolut normal sa apara mici diferente. Acest lucru le conferă unicitate.
- Bijuteriile Ruka vin ambalate in cutiute speciale, perfecte pentru a fi oferite cadou.
- Dimensiuni pandantiv aproximativ 4 cm
Produsul va fi gata de livrare în 1 zi după plasarea comenzii.
Estimare livrare:
Produsul va fi livrat între 11.03 - 13.03.